How to Install Treads Over Existing Stairs

Stair treads are not always the most attractive option for replacing existing stairs. However, they are a very cost-effective way to make the most of your staircase space. Installing a new staircase may be the easiest thing to do in your home. Installing stairs over an existing staircase can be quite challenging, and you might need some expert advice if you’re not very familiar with such things. Here are the steps to take before you start work on this project.
Start by Measuring Accurately With a Level

Before you can install stair treads, it is important to accurately measure where the existing steps are so that they will be exactly the same distance apart as your desired new step. If anything looks different than what you’ve found–like if there’s one extra or missing step, then you’ll need to go with that.
Preparation of the staircase
After you’ve measured the existing stairs and come up with a good layout for your new treads, it is now time to prepare them by cutting out one side of both doors. As seen in that diagram below which shows an edge cutout line on each end door piece? You don’t need to cut all the way through both doors, just enough to create a hole in each stair section that you can use later when it is time to install your treads. You’ll need one piece of wood for every 2 steps on one side and another piece for every 3 steps on the other (3 steps per side, 1 step in the middle).
Measure and Cut the Tread Accurately
Next, it is time to cut and sand your new stair treads. You’ll need a perfectly straight piece of wood for every 2 steps on one side and another exactly the same size as those you’ve just installed but for 3 steps per side (3 steps per side, 1 step in the middle). You’ll need a total of 4 pieces, if you have eight steps on each side. Again this may take a little while to cut the 2D boards and then connecting them together for your 3D stair treads. A plunge router with straight bit set can make quick work of cutting perfect stair treads by making multiple passes. Our wood countertops have an integrated 3D edge protector, so you won’t need to be concerned with perfectly straight cut edges when using a router or saw blade on your trim installers’ board.
Adhere & Screw Tread To Stairs

Then install the five stair treads you just cut to your existing stairs. This is by far more difficult than simply installing new or making repairs, but after measuring this step correctly for over 4 years, it feels like a piece of cake! Because these are brand new steps with no history on how they were originally installed, you need to make sure they will match-cut down your stair treads.
Stair treads are a great way to make the most of your stairs. They can be installed on stairs with no railing, allowing you to walk up and down the stairs as you would with normal stairs. As an added bonus, they’re usually much cheaper than installing new steps. If you are thinking of installing stair treads over existing stairs, please read the blog. It will give you information about how to install stair treads over existing stairs. If you have any questions or need help choosing a stair tread, let us know in the comments below.