What Can You Print on a 3d Printer?

3D printing has taken the world by storm. 3D printing has become a great way to make quick and cost-effective changes to products, from prototyping to building functional prototypes. Although 3D printers are available for purchase for just about anyone, they are pretty expensive. However, the costs are coming down.
What to Print on a 3d Printer?

Here are five cool things you can 3D print on a 3D printer:
1. Bird Clock
To make this clock, all you need is a few essential tools.- Birds are the most beautiful animals in the world. They move and sound differently, they have different colors and they have different sounds. If you want to make a bird clock, all you need is a 3D printer. You will also need to download the design files from Thing verse. If you don’t have a 3D printer, many companies offer services for designing and printing these clocks at home.
2. Flower Pot
A flowerpot is an excellent decoration for your home. You can make it with the help of 3D printing. If you don’t have a 3D printer, many companies offer services for designing and printing these pots at home.
3. Phone Case

This case will protect your Phone from scratches and damage. It is made of flexible plastic that fits the shape of your phone perfectly. You can make this case with a 3D printer, or you can purchase it online.
4. Sunglasses
You can make it with the help of 3D printing.- A pair of sunglasses is an excellent accessory for your beach trip. If you don’t have a 3D printer, many companies offer services for designing and printing these glasses at home.
5. Bamboo Light
It is made of bamboo, which has a natural tendency to emit a soft glow.- This light will be a great addition to your room. If you don’t have a 3D printer, many companies offer services for designing and printing these lights at home.
How Do I Clean My 3d Printer?

Many people ask how to clean their 3D printers. Here are some helpful tips:
1. Clean your nozzle regularly, especially if you have a heated bed. A build plate should be cleaned every few prints, but this is only necessary when the bed becomes clogged with plastic or debris.
2. If you have a heated bed, wipe it down after every print to keep the plastic from melting into your platform and creating a mess on your build plate.
3. Clean the extruder with an alcohol-based wipe or swab periodically to remove any remaining plastic particles from the extruder.
4. Use an oil-based cleanser on the nozzle to keep it from sticking and jamming up your print process. You can find these cleaners at any hardware store or online.
5. If you want to clean your printer, do not use water! It will damage your printer, and it will take a long time to dry.
How Important Is It to Clean the Extruder?
The extruder is the part of the 3D printer that takes plastic filament and melts it into a liquid. If this becomes clogged, then your print will have problems. You can use an oil-based cleaner to clean out any leftover plastic particles or flakes from the extruder nozzle. Learn more how to change 3d printer filament.
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